Monday, March 11, 2013

PET Scan Results

There was NO obvious evidence of cancer outside the breasts!

But of course there were a couple of other findings that could not be explained...probably not cancer but unknown.

Robin is very much relieved and would love to start celebrating but it's hard with the unanswered questions.

Why can't this just be a normal case? I guess because we all know that Robin is not normal!

Thank you all so much for the love and support and prayers.


  1. Relieved at the news and I pray you continue to get good news at Dana-Farber! Love you lots!

  2. Great great news! :))

  3. Great news! Wishing you safe travels to and from Boston. Continuing prayers and positive thoughts.

    Mike and Julia

  4. So happy to hear this good news! You have to celebrate the joys on this journey! We are sending love and prayers your way! You are a strong and beautiful woman - cancer has nothing on you! Keep breathing!

    Matt & Susan

  5. Such good news. Love to you all xxx

  6. Good news. Know the panasci family is praying away for you all. We are sending you positive thoughts and peace.

    Travel safe.


  7. Praying for you as you meet another team of doctors in Boston. Prayers that the best treatment will be obvious, and that you will start the healing process soon!
    Beth Harris-King
