Monday, May 6, 2013

Chemo fail

The peripheral IV failed that Robin had for her first chemo infusion today. Three other infusion nurses tried to stick her to get access but had no luck. Robin absolutely hates being stuck so now she will be getting a port placed Wednesday afternoon with chemo right after. No more fishing for her veins after that.


  1. matt and susan majorMay 6, 2013 at 6:44 PM

    I'm glad that you will be getting a port- it will be so much easier for you with port access. This had to be a trying day. I hope you can get some rest. We are sending you lots of love and support!

    Matt and susan

  2. Sorry that you had multiple sticks today. But from now on it should be smooth going as far as IV access. Thinking of you and hope Wednesday goes very well!

    Janet B

  3. Thinking of you!!!

    Pam Anastasio
